Earth Day - Namaste

Today, the first of the Yamas (restraints) stands out, Ahimsa. “Ahimsa” meaning nonviolence encourages one to hold themselves to a high level of integrity, choosing not to cause harm to anyone or anything. A great deal of self reflection and self care is necessary to be successful at practicing Ahimsa. The way we treat the world and beings around us is a reflection of how we treat ourselves. The phrase “you can’t pour from an empty cup” circulates for good reason. A fearful, harmful, violent person is usually responding to a sense of lack in one way or another.

On this Earth day I challenge you to first take a moment to do something good for yourself. Fill your cup with peaceful meditation, exercising to release endorphins, getting some sun, or anything that is good for & brings you joy. This Earth we inhabit has given us so many things to marvel, so much joy to experience, so much space to thrive. Seek it and you shall find it. How we experience ourselves is how we experience life. Reflect on that.

Lastly, before this day, week, & month ends I implore you to find a way to give in gratitude time, service, and nurture to the community and world around you. Simple ways in which you can be of service to the Earth include; composting waste, cleaning up your neighborhood, volunteering or donating to a charitable cause of choice. We should be mindful of how we treat the Earth and it’s inhabitants; refrain from littering, shop consciously & locally, recycle when you can, reduce waste, eat more veggies & less meat, learn about renewable energy.

It’s important to show compassion for ourselves and the world around us. One kind gesture creates a ripple of goodness that travels through and through. As individuals we are strong, as a collective we are powerful beyond measure. Let' us put this power in action!


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